On-shore power supply to ships receives 9.6 Euros funding for each CO2 ton is avoided

06/05/2019. “OPS MASTER PLAN for Spanish ports” project has been selected by financial program CLIMA within 2018 call, that is managed by National Office on Climate Change.

CLIMA financially supports projects contributing to reduce global warming of atmosphere. That is the case for OPS MASTER PLAN that promotes elimination of noise and air emission impacts of berthed ships on nearby population.

Thanks to CLIMA shipowners that switch off auxiliary engines in port and plug into electric grid will receive 9.8 Euros every ton of CO2 avoided in port.

PUERTOS DEL ESTADO manages CO2 emissions acquisition that will by certified by correspondent Port Authorities based on actual electricity consumption of ships at berth.

First OPS facilities benefiting from this trading of CO2 emission would be ships of FRED OLSEN and ARMAS in ports of Santa Cruz de Tenerife, San Sebastián de la Gomera y Santa Cruz de La Palma; also, SASEMAR fleet and connected to the grid tugs could receive this new funding.

More info about CLIMA at:


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