List of on-shore power OPS facities for ships included in this OPS MASTERPLAN

(see below for other components of the OPS MASTERPLAN including benefits derived from on-shore power, identified barriers and measures taken to overcome them and ease provision of OPS facilities)

Benefits derived from connecting ships at berth to electric grid

  1. Avoid impacts of noise and vibration to population settled in the vicinity of berth/port
  2. Remove local pollution affecting health and quality of life of said population
  3. Cut down of C02 emissions therefore contributing to decarbonization of economy
  4. Become driver for facilitating other alternative fuels like hydrogen, methanol and ammonia
  5. Bring electric power close to the waterfront where other activities take place with same need of clean energy like electric cars and buses

Barriers hindering the development of this new technology (OPS)

  1. Ship-owner reluctancy to be trapped under another port service provider
  2. Lack of flexibility of port managers to offer shipping lines adequate financial incentive
  3. Unavailability of electrical power at site and/or on time
  4. Non OPS-ready ships resulting a chicken-egg dilemma
  5. Opposition of captains and crew members to do things differentl
  6. Attitude of shipping in refusing to take externalities on board
  7. Price of fuel favoring fossil against renewables
  8. Subnormal utilization of electrical infrastructure
  9. Apparently environmental benefits of LNG as fuel for the future shipping
  10. Intricated procedure involving many agents to build an OPS facility

Measures adopted to overcome identified barriers so that provision of new OPS facilities are more easily realized

  1. Legal framework for OPS provision by PPAA at RD Ley 15/2018 APLICABLE
  2. 50 % discount on port fees granted to ships using OPS APLICABLE
  3. Elimination of electricity tax     5 % –> 0,5 €/MWh APLICABLE
  4. Electric grid fee on power ‘a prorrata’ on daily/hourly basis (OJ 24/01/2020) APPROVED
  5. Subvention of 9.6 Euros/CO2 ton not released at berth into the atmosphere APLICABLE
  6. Granting ‘extra points’ to tenders including OPS for new terminals IMPLEMENTED
  7. Exemption of port fees on land that is occupied by conduits, etc. PROPOSED

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