The following indicators are substantial for shore-power projects including price of electricity and of fossil fuel (diesel), others indicators listed below refer to air quality and environmental sustainability.


Cost of electricity is probably the most determinant parameter when viability of a shore-power Project is analysed.  Indeed price of electricity can be considered stable though it varies across Europe.

  • European Commission publishes regular market analysis reports on European gas and electricity markets and energy prices and costs in Europe .

Electricity prices on 2-20 GWh industrial consumers for 2nd semester 2016 in c€/kWh (page 129)

  • The quarterly reports analyse the main factors behind price and volume evolutions on the market and they analyse gas and electricity market interactions between countries.

Market trends for electricity in the EU

  • Red Eléctrica Española (REE) provides free Access to statistical data of price evolution in Spain. Information can be downloaded both monthly and annual. Data includes demand, production and international traded volumes.

Market trends in electricity price in Spain.


Bunkers  used in maritime navigation are not the same as those used at berth. Due to environmental restrictions, low sulphur marine diesel (LSMD) can only be burned in port. The following information provides an overview of level of these LSMD,

  • Ship & Bunker is the world’s most read marine fuel-focused publication, and the leading independent source of quality daily industry news, exclusive features, and daily & historical bunker price indications. These price indications are calculated from information collected from multiple, verified, quality industry sources.

World Bunker Prices

  • The European Commission provides a wide range of statistics on the energy market including oil, coal, gas and electricity prices, data on energy imports and exports, and energy trends up to 2050. These statistics support EU policy making on energy. In addition, various energy statistics covering economic and environmental data, energy production, consumption, taxation and prices in the EU and abroad are produced. The Commission also publishes in-depth analyses of the EU energy market.
    To improve the transparency of oil prices and to strengthen the internal market, the European Commission’s Oil Bulletin presents weekly consumer prices for petroleum products in EU countries.

Fuel fosil  prices in the EU

  • The Ministry of Energy, Tourism and Digital Agenda publishes monthly and annual reports on the evolution of fossil fuels prices in Spain and Europe. These reports include variables such as daily and monthly Brent crude oil prices, dollar-euro prices, and gasoline and diesel prices. They also present monthly graphs and comparative tables of prices with and without gasoline and diesel taxes in different EU. countries.

Fosil fuel prices in Spain


Existing concern about air quality is reflected in the large number of air quality indexes that exist, developed by various institutions, many of them accessible to the general public through the internet.


  • Air Pollution in your City: Developed by the World Health Organization (WHO), the United Nations Coalition for the Environment, Climate and Clean Air, within the BreathLife campaign, with the aim of mobilizing citizens to protect their health and the planet from the air pollution effects. It uses data from air quality control stations in 3,000 cities and a global air quality database with data from around the world. The website offers data of PM2,5 content in the atmosphere in real time in any city of the world selected  indicating the level of danger of that determined concentration. Particles PM2.5 can penetrate the body and are intimately related to the premature death of individuals and climate change.

Air Pollution in your City


  • Air Quality Index (AQI): this website provides air quality real time data in many cities around the world. Index value corresponds to the worse measured pollutant value. Number and type of pollutants vary depending on the local control station in which the index is consulted. Among others the website offers concentration values of NO2, SO2,  CO, PM10, PM2,5, O3, etc, and meteorological data such as temperature, humidity and pressure.

Air Quality Index (AQI)

  • Air Quality Index AQI-BSC: index developed by the Barcelona  Supercomputing Centre, the BSC and the Ministry of Environment. It ‘s an air quality indicator on daily average basis, taking as a reference the criteria, limits and thresholds of the Directive 2008/50/CE and the Real Decreto 102/2011 for the following atmospheric pollutants: O3, NO2, CO, SO2, PM10 y PM2.5. The global AQI-BSC corresponds to the worse situation in each cell.

Air Quality Index AQI-BSC

  • Catalonia Air Quality Index (ICQA):Is calculated from the automatic stations of the Network of Monitoring and Forecasting of Atmospheric Pollution (XVPCA) data of the Generalitat de Catalunya. It uses the immission levels of carbon monoxide (CO), nitrogen dioxide (NO2), sulphur dioxide (SO2), ozone (O3) and particulate matter (PM10). The ICQA is a unique and unitless figure that ponders the contribution of the 5 pollutants to global air quality. It is an indicator specially designed to inform the general public.

Índice Catalán de Calidad del Aire (ICQA)


These indexes aim to establish the environmental pressure that both navigation and boats produce, not only on air quality, but on the environment in general. They may take into account only pollutants and greenhouse gases emissions, or may also include the management of waste by ships, waste and ballast water treatment, use of chemicals and their treatment and reduction targets of CO2 emissions and the recycling policy of the company, among other variables.
  • Clean Shipping Index (CIS): This tool was developed to help freight owners to choose a quality sipping companies and environmental friendly ships, to calculate and reduce environmental footprint, to identify the areas in which the company can improve sustainability and to present the fleet environmental profile to the clients. It takes into account CO2, NOx, SOx y PM ships emissions and other variables such us use of chemicals, waste, waste water and ballast water treatment. IT’s been developed by a non-profit organization.

Clean Shipping Index (CIS)

  • Environmental Ship Index (ESI): developed by the WPCI to identify ships that are reducing pollutant gases emissions, NOx y SOx, greater than the reduction required to meet OMI regulations. Evaluates the amount of NOx y SOx released to the atmosphere and the GHG emissions generated by the ship.

Environmental Ship Index


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