OPS Master Plan for Spanish ports welcome European Parliament’s explicit support to remove the tax barriers for shore-side electricity for ships

01/10/2018. In the context of the follow-up and assessment of Member States national policy framework for the development of the market about alternative fuels in the transport sector and the deployment of the relevant infrastructure, MP rapporteur at the Committee on Transport and Tourism at EU Parliament Mr. Ertug drafted on 14/05/2018 the report ‘deployment of infrastructure for alternative fuels in the European Union: time to act!’

Mr. Ertug noted in his report “Taxation has a major impact on the price competitiveness of alternative fuels. [Taxation of renewable energy used in the production of green hydrogen can be a burden for its market price.] The same accounts for land side electric charging of ships where energy generation with dirty combustion engines on board is exempted from taxation while landside electricity has to cope with taxation and higher provision cost due to the very special nature of the demand.”

The Committee of Transport and Tourism supported Mr. Ertug report by voting in favor on 25 September 2018.

OPS Master Plan for Spanish ports welcome European Parliament’s explicit support to remove the tax barriers for shore-side electricity for ships.

(more info at: http://www.europarl.europa.eu/sides/getDoc.do?pubRef=-//EP//NONSGML+COMPARL+PE-621.006+01+DOC+PDF+V0//EN&language=EN)

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