17/06/2021. With OPS MASTERPLAN project Coordinator participation and assistance, tests started off today on an H2 fuel cell generator. This generator will power PUNTA SALINAS at berth in Santa Cruz de Tenerife where she is based. The vessel is onwed by national, search and rescue company SASEMAR.
Tests will begin on operatianal matters and will proceed on safety issues following standards standars UNE EN IEC 62282-5-100:2018 and UNE EN IEC 62282-2:2020.
PUERTOS DEL ESTADO granted a contract to company SGS for technical assistance certify CE marking of this 100 kW electric generator.
On-shore power supply at berth to PUNTA SALINAS with H2 fuel cell pilot resulted from collaboration between EVERYWH2ERE and OPS MASTERPLAN for Spanish ports project, both financed by the European Union.
EVERYWH2ERE has received funding from the Fuel Cells and Hydrogen 2 Joint Undertaking under grant agreement No 779606. This Joint Undertaking receives support from the European Union’s Horizon 2020 research and innovation programme, Hydrogen Europe and Hydrogen Europe research
OPS MASTERPLAN for Spanish ports was granted financial assistance by Connecting Europe Facility – CEF under agreement nº INEA/CEF /TRAN/M2015/1128893.