Investment projects for the commissioning of the Onshore Power Supply system vary considerably from one case to another depending on many variables. Various agencies and associations have developed tools to facilitate the estimation of this type of projects.
These simulation tools include differences in incomes and costs due to the number of ships visits, energy demand, the need or not to install a frequency converter, or the dependence of the OPS system on electricity and fuel prices along the operation period.
Access some of these simulators:
Spanish National Ports Agency (OPPE) offers a tool for evaluating the investments necessary for the implementation of the Onshore Power Supply system. This tool has been developed within the activities that the OPPE is carrying out to develop the OPS Master Plan for Spanish Ports. The starting hypothesis of the tool are bunker fuel oil and electricity prices, as well as some emission factors and an external costs for them. In addition, the simulator takes account on number of connections at the dock, number of ships supplied (visits and length of stay), estimates the benefit granted by the Ports Law to vessels that connect to the general electric grid and suggests total inversion costs per dock and costs due to vessel adaptation. Tool can be downloaded here.
As part of the development of the policy framework for shore-side power supplies for marine shipping, CE Delft has used an existing model elaborated in the past for the World Port Climate Initiative (WPCI) to develop a computational tool that provides insight into the costs and benefits of shore-side power supply and associated factors. The model has been updated and extended at the request of the Dutch Ministry of Infrastructure and Environment.The model calculates the financial costs of a shore-side power project compared with use of diesel fuel in the port It is based on numerous parameters that can be varied at will. It includes an option to calculate the external costs incurred (e.g. air pollution). The tool thus provides insight not only into the cost-effectiveness of shore-side power, but also into the social benefits of investment therein.In the following link you can download not only the calculation tool but also the manual for use.Investment costs calculator for OPS implementation developed by CE Delft
The WPCI Calculator
The calculation tool developed by the WPCI (World Port Climate Initiative) allows calculating project overall inversion and operational costs. The tool provides with the parameters needed to assess the optimization effects such us dock occupancy, energy supply costs, changes in fuels prices, etc.
WPCI website provides with the calculation tool and the manual for use.
Investment costs calculator for OPS implementation developed by WPCI